Blog Writer Virtual Assistant: Adding Value to Your Content

Blog Writer Virtual Assistant: Adding Value to Your Content

When everyone in the digital world declares that “Content is King,” they understand how pivotal great content is to drive traffic numbers and get quality leads.

Content is what’s keeping your brand alive. Without it, you cannot attract nor sustain engagements with your audience — that’s a fact.

Yet again, the thing about content is that it has to be targeted, which means it requires skill and knowledge to produce.

Now, as a business owner, you might know a thing or two about writing. But can you produce relevant content that can win the SEO game? Do you even have the time?

Well, you don’t have to beat yourself up; let a blog writer virtual assistant do the content writing for you.

Here’s a blog post that explores all that a blog writer VA can do for you, and how it is the key to unlocking your content marketing strategy.

In Focus: Content Marketing

When you’re marketing a brand, you need to entice as many people to sign up.

But, how do you get them onboard? Clearly, not by handing out flyers in the street. And that’s when content marketing comes in.

Content marketing helps your audience all throughout their buyer’s journey by providing quality information. It is a strategic approach to creating fresh and relevant content and distributing it to your defined market.

Basically, the main objective of this content is to inform and engage your target market by endorsing your service or product, directly.

If you can produce high-quality writing, you can build authority and trust through content marketing, which will consequently boost your brand image.

What Is a Blogging Virtual Assistant?

To produce innovative and engaging content, you’re going to need a blog writer virtual assistant.

These remote workers are contractual professionals who are experts in content writing and content creation in general.

What Does a Content Writer Virtual Assistant Do?

Whatever writing tasks you can think of, a content writer VA can get the job done for you.

They have the skills, knowledge and experience to create and complete all your content-related needs from social media writing and website content to newsletters and so on.

Further reading: Virtual Assistants for Content Curation

10 Writing Tasks for Your Blog Writer Virtual Assistant

We know, it can be scary to hire an outsider to work on your content. But you have to understand that high-quality content that drives traffic is not an easy thing to accomplish.

You need the intangibles, like actual skills to compel readers to click on the page and sustain that attention all the way to the last sentence — not that easy, right?

Besides, are you even well-versed in all the different forms of content writing? Thought so.

Here are the 10 writing tasks that your blog writer virtual assistant can help you with.

  • Blog Post

    Do you want to boost the clicks and visit rates of your website? Well then, hire a blog writer VA.

    They can take over in creating and posting content on your company’s site. This is actually a great opportunity to create promotional buzz for your products or services because this casual type of content is very trendy nowadays.

    A blog post is a conversational writing targeted to engage and entice the readers in buying the commodity.

    To do that, your virtual writer can highlight the benefits of the product/service, some helpful tips or best practices — whatever valuable information they can push to sell the brand.

    Of course, it’s not a good blog post if there’s no SEO. So, your VA will incorporate the keywords that consumers search for and other SEO essentials as well.

  • Article

    As we’ve said, there are many forms of content, but articles are definitely the most typical of the bunch. And something that a content writing VA can very much deliver.

    These articles can be an editorial or research, specifically written for a client.

    But as opposed to blog posts, article writing follows in-depth research on a particular subject. It’s more formal and discursive, observing a particular order and manner.

  • Press Releases

    Press releases are official statements on newsworthy events. It offers important information and updates that a consumer would want to know.

    Since these are “official statements,” it has to be formal and factual. Mainly the goal is to stir engagement with the target audience.

    A content writing VA can take over this task, and help out in fortifying that relationship between the customer and the company.

  • Newsletter

    The best thing about a newsletter is that it opens direct access to your customer's inbox. You are given permission to send out relevant and engaging content to promote your commodity and drive traffic to your page.

    A blog writer virtual assistant creates these shareable newsletters that contain product or service updates and other upcoming events.

  • Product Description

    If you have no idea how to market your brand, you can start by creating marketing copies for your product.

    A content VA can take charge of writing a structured description and promotional stint of your product. They can highlight information on specific features that make your commodity stand out.

    Depending on your preference, they can use a quirky or serious writing style to reach out to your audience.

  • Website Content

    Your site is not just your social proof, but the face of your brand in the digital world.

    And the main page for your website is altogether a dealbreaker because that’s like the introduction of your business to the visitors.

    A content writer VA can handle this crucial task, and will certainly make an impression. They can produce content that is aligned with the identity of your brand.

    Of course, you’ll be helping a bit on this — you’ll have to orient and properly communicate what your company stands for, so they can make it engaging and memorable.

  • Marketing Collateral

    Flyers, posters, pamphlets and whatever digital marketing collateral you need to create, you can rely on a content creation VA to develop and put these ideas into a printed form.

  • eBook

    Creating an eBook can be really overwhelming. It’s a pretty special task that can only be handled by someone with experience and real skills — someone like a VA for content writing.

    Depending on your needs, they can produce fun, informative and well-researched material for your company. VAs will even take a step further by creating an eBook suitable in mobile and desktop formats.

  • Social Media Content

    Over 4 billion people use social media all over the world. That’s a huge number that opens up vast opportunities.

    Content writers can assist and craft great content that draws engagement. But this 24/7 virtual assistant service doesn’t just stop at writing, they can help you with designing and scheduling posts as well.

    Everybody is on these social platforms, so you have to plan out your social media content to generate strong results.

  • Email Content

    If you want better email content, hire a virtual content writer.

    They can work on the various emails that you might want to send to your subscribers such as welcome emails, email automation and email series.

Content Creation Commonly Asked Questions:

Is a Blog Writer Virtual Assistant in Demand?


Content writing is an essential element in digital marketing. It’s the gasoline that fires up your digital marketing strategy.

Nowadays, content is the go-to channel to educate and engage clients on products and services. It helps with brand awareness and improves search engine popularity.

Regardless of the size of the company, businesses and entrepreneurs need a virtual assistant service to kickstart their content promotion and marketing materials.

Why You Need a Blog Writer Virtual Assistant

Did you know that blog writing is a huge part of digital marketing strategy? It is, in fact, 86% of content writers are using blogs to engage their readers.

That said, the reasons why you need a blog writer virtual assistant are as follows:

  • Increases authority for your brand
  • Drives traffic
  • Search engine optimization
  • Pushes your ranking up on Google’s search results page
  • Bring more value to your audience
  • Cultivate leads
  • Encourage repeat business
  • Increase lead conversion

Wrapping Up!

You know, content opens a wealth of information about your brand. As such, it can help you foster a strong relationship with your target audience. You can connect and directly talk to them.

But to create value in your content, you need expert hands to draw your readers in and get them to trust you.

Partner with a blog writer virtual assistant today, so you can make the best sales tool in the world.