The Science of Success: Virtual Assistant for Food Bloggers

From blogger to food entrepreneur, you can make it happen with a virtual assistant for food bloggers. Find a great place to start with a reliable VA.

Managing your time efficiently is an essential part of being a food blogger, making sure that you’re feeding your followers quality content fuels every part of your success.

However, it’s hard to play full-time blogger and business owner at the same time. No matter how effective you are at both, some days, the sink is overflowing and the line is just too long to cover.

Right then, you know it’s time to delegate and ask for support — what do we have in mind?

A reliable outsourced help who can take some of that burden off your busy plate, so that you can focus on the larger picture. Sounds great? Say hello to a virtual assistant for food bloggers.

So, what can this perfect VA do for you and your business? And how can you hire one? Keep reading and find out.

What Is a Blogging Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant for bloggers is an independent offshore support that offers assistance to bloggers.

From scheduling content to food photography, a blogging VA can handle many tasks, depending on what you need.

Basically, the whole point of hiring a virtual assistant is to give you more time to focus on important projects instead of the little mundane tasks that do not need your personal attention.

So, How Can a Virtual Assistant Help Food Bloggers?

For food bloggers, working with a virtual assistant makes a whole lot of difference in their daily business operations.

If you can use this remote worker effectively, you’re looking at sweeping your counters clean of the day-to-day time-consuming tasks. As such, you can focus on other responsibilities that excite you and that are paramount to your business, the most.

Let’s look at the many tasks a virtual assistant for food bloggers can handle for you.

  • Content Scheduling
  • Research
  • Outreach campaigns to collaborate with fellow bloggers
  • Categorize recipe posts
  • Repurpose content
  • Transcribe audio/video files
  • Recipe testing
  • Email list building
  • Keyword research
  • Website Maintenance
  • Draft email sequences
  • Answer emails and engage social media
  • SEO optimization
  • Assist in planning new recipes
  • Proofread and edit content
  • Uploading blog posts in WordPress
  • Food photography to share on the website and social media
  • Create graphic design
  • Tech support

Tips on Hiring a Virtual Assistant for Food Bloggers

We know it’s scary to let someone else take over some of the tasks of your blog that you’ve been handling all alone. It’s a big shift.

But there’s no need to be agitated, a virtual assistant is your ally. They will help you go from blogger to food entrepreneur, without you having to work so tirelessly.

So, if you think you’re ready to take that leap, we’ve come up with a list of things you should do to get started.

  • Think About the Tasks You Need to Outsource

    The first step to building a team is to identify what tasks you “need” and “want” to outsource.

    Ask yourself: What parts of your job you don’t want to do? What are you not good at? What are the most time-consuming activities in your daily operation?

    Your answers to these questions are the tasks that you should consider delegating.

    But, while there are tasks that can be handled by one VA, there are also responsibilities that fall on specializations that would require you several hires.

  • Determine Your Budget

    Now that you know the tasks to outsource to your virtual assistant, your next step is to set the price.

    There are two ways you can go about paying your remote worker; by hour or per project. If you just need someone to complete a specific project, then the latter is a much more cost-effective option.

    VA rates vary, depending on skills, location and experience. If you’re hiring someone with specialization, then expect that the rates are a lot higher.

  • Create a Job Description

    You need to set expectations for your virtual assistant. When your offshore workers know their responsibilities, they can fulfill their roles more effectively.

    That said, you should be more vivid with your job description; the more specific it is, the higher your chances of finding the right VA for your business.

    Here are some items you should include in that list:

    • Brief information about your company or blog
    • Job Requirements (skills and experience)
    • Compensation
    • Working hours
    • Tasks and responsibilities
  • Post and Share Your Job Listing

    It’s time to kickstart looking for the right candidate. Share your job hiring online; you can post on your website, social media handles, and newsletters.

    The idea is to start with the people who already follow you because they understand your brand better.

    Afterward, you can proceed to post on freelance marketplaces like Fiverr, Upwork or LinkedIn. You also might want to consider talking to your food blogger friends or family members — who knows they might be able to make referrals.

  • Shortlist Your Candidates

    To optimize your hiring process, you need to get rid of low-level applications.

    You can do this by reviewing resumes and portfolios. Then, you can check your job description; the skills, experience and competence that are needed for the role.

    Match all of these criteria with the applicants, keep score and assess if they have your requirements.

  • Interview Your Shortlisted Candidates

    From that shortlist, you can conduct an interview.

    Ask applicants predetermined questions that are related to the actual job. How they respond will tell you if a candidate can fill in the role successfully or if they can communicate well.

  • Hire Your First Virtual Assistant

    After weighing your options, you’ve finally found your virtual assistant.

    Congratulations! You can now focus on growing your business while maintaining healthy boundaries.

Related Questions:

Can You Get Paid to Be a Food Blogger?


There are actually several ways to monetize your work and keep that stream of revenue. But if you’re just starting out, it’s best to only focus on a couple of them.

Below is how you can earn good cash as a food blogger.

  • Display Ads

    These are image or text links in your website that promote other websites. And every time someone clicks on the links, your payment calculates.

  • Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate marketing is a collaboration between an affiliate and a business. Affiliates are third-party publishers who promote a product and earn money from each sale. 

  • Online Course

    Since tons of food bloggers are experts in cooking or baking, they can offer online courses to their readers who wish to hone their skills.

  • Coaching

    There are many people who look for professional advice to succeed in their online ventures. That’s why food bloggers have learned to leverage their passion by offering coaching services on recipe development, food blogging and so much more.

  • Cook Books/ E-Books

    Like so many expert food bloggers, you can go into publishing and selling cookbooks and e-books.

  • Sponsored Brand Deals

    Here’s another collaboration between a blogger and a company: Sponsored blog posts are written content that advertises a brand, in return, for a fee or free products that a food blogger can use.

  • Merch

    If you have a large and dedicated following, you could sell branded products to your strong fanbase like t-shirts, bags and aprons with your blog logo on it.

How Could a Virtual Assistant Help Chefs?

There are a dozen tricks a virtual assistant could pull off to make your life easier as a restaurateur.

VAs will be your ultimate back-office support, managing your daily repetitive errands behind the scenes, so you can breeze happily into running your bistro.

Here are some ways a virtual assistant can provide assistance.

  • Can Assist in Placing Orders
  • Monitor Food Cost Management
  • Manage Social Media Accounts
  • Help Manage Accounting Books
  • Data Entry
  • Write Content
  • Manage Website
  • Create Marketing Materials (Flyers)
  • Email Management
  • Scheduling

What Apps Do Food Bloggers Use?

Aside from your virtual assistant hire, you also need to incorporate software tools to keep your workflow graceful, boost your engagement, improve your photography skills, and eventually, grow your food blog into a masterstroke.

Check out our list of food blogger’s recommended applications:

  • Social Media Apps
    • Instagram
    • Pinterest
    • YouTube
    • TikTok
  • Food Photography Apps
    • Snapseed
    • Adobe Lightroom
    • Afterlight
    • FoodieFoto
    • Spyne
  • Recipe Apps
    • Big Oven (Free)
    • Tasty (Free)
    • Dinner Spinner
  • Workflow Management Apps
    • Slack
    • Trello
    • Google Drive
    • Asana

Our Final Take on Virtual Assistant for Food Bloggers:

Let’s face it, hiring a virtual assistant is a total game-changer for your blogging business.

Where else could you find cost-effective support that brings you productivity, time-saving and flexibility, packaged into one?

That’s a hard find.

So, team up with a virtual assistant, and get right on in creating top-notch content that adds value to your readers.