Why Should You Hire a Virtual Assistant?

Why should you hire a virtual assistant? From opportunities to cost reduction, we have the benefits and the reasons that’ll get you scurrying fast for a VA.

Cheers to you, your business is thriving. But haven’t you noticed that the work demands are also escalating to a point that you’re slowly getting bogged down by it?

If you value your time…and headspace, the same way we do, we have something for you to consider — virtual assistants.

Why should you hire a virtual assistant?

There are plenty of reasons actually.

Then again, if the growing virtual assistant industry is telling, then you should probably have an idea why every company in all industries is caught up in the trend.

In this blog post, we’re going to highlight some facts about hiring a virtual assistant and why a virtual assistant is in demand today…and possibly for many years.

Why Should You Hire a Virtual Assistant?

What is the value of a virtual assistant?

A reliable virtual assistant allows you more time to focus on the core tasks of your business and also, you’re well-being.

With the essential role they play in how you can efficiently manage your time; you can grow your business without compromising personal ventures.

5 Reasons to Hire a Virtual Assistant

Why would you hire a virtual assistant?

Well, we have gathered plenty of great reasons, so prepare to be enthralled.

Reduce Cost

If you are a startup, perhaps, this reason alone will get you posting on freelance marketplaces or scurrying fast to virtual assistant agencies to find that VA support ASAP.

You’re saving 78% on operational costs. How did we do the math?

Simple: Virtual assistants work from their homes. They don’t go to an office so you don’t need to pay for rent, office equipment or utility bills.

And since they’re contractual workers, VAs don’t enjoy compensation benefits like regular in-house employees.

Ultimately, the biggest factor for this cost-effectiveness is that virtual assistants come from low-income countries that have much lower hourly rates compared to your local hires.

So, did those computations add up? Thought so.

Boost Efficiency

We get it. They are necessary tasks, but you don’t have to personally attend to them.

If you insist on doing so, you’ll waste the time that should be spent crafting strategic plans or making partnerships.

When outsourcing to a skilled virtual assistant, you’ll be freeing yourself from managing these little tasks and ultimately, increase your productivity.

Access to Global Talents

How cool is it to bring talents from across the world, instead of settling for what you have that is restricted by geography?

When you’re hiring for a virtual assistant, the hiring potential is profound. You can have access to skillsets that can greatly impact your operations.

Easy to Find and Hire a Replacement

It’s no secret that the digital world offers limitless opportunities. And as far as hiring a virtual assistant, you don’t have to put in much effort to find one online.

In any case, if they need replacing, you don’t have to beat yourself up in finding a replacement. It will be fast and easy as well. That’s how amazing it is to hire from anywhere else in the world.

Avoid Burnout

The repetitive mundane tasks have the power to zap the energy out of you. From answering phone calls to managing emails, they seem so simple, but they’re very time-consuming.

A virtual assistant can do all these for you.

Having them as backups can reduce your workload significantly. When that happens, you can start being the boss and have control over your time.

4 Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

So, why do you need to hire a virtual assistant?

Of course, for all the reasons that we’re about to share with you. And each one of them will surely fire up your virtual assistant enthusiasm.

Round the Clock Service

The fantasy is that even when you’re asleep and dreaming, your business is still up and bringing in clients.

Luckily, with a virtual assistant, you don’t have to dwell on “what ifs” anymore.

These remote workers live in different time zones…and you have clients also spread out in other countries.

Think about it because it’s fairly simple — when you have offshore support, you can cater to your clients even past your operating hours.

In this way, you can ensure prompt replies and maintain a strong relationship with them.

More Time in Your Hands

Why hire virtual assistant?

When a good virtual assistant is carrying your back-bending workload, you’re free to focus on the aspects of your business that need your attention.

Not only that, but you also get to enjoy doing the things you love outside the office. You have more time to go on a vacation and more time to brainstorm fresh ideas for your new business ventures.

Very Cost-Effective

Here’s how you do the math when you’re working with an excellent virtual assistant:

  • You don’t need to pay for additional benefits like health insurance.
  • You’re working with someone from another time zone, so you’re still operating while you’re sleeping.
  • Since someone else is still doing the work past your bedtime, you’ll get more work done faster.
  • VAs work from home, so you don’t need to worry about extra costs.
  • Finally, as a boss, how much do you think your time is worth?

A Head Start over the Competition

Working with a virtual assistant will give you a step ahead of the game.

When you’re hiring someone from a different place, you’re also tapping a great range of skills, experiences and ideas that you cannot find in your area.

And since you’re catering to diversified customers from everywhere, you can use that knowledge to understand your target market better and then eventually, gain a competitive edge.

Virtual Assistant Frequently Asked


What Tasks Can a Virtual Assistant Help With?

Virtual assistants can bend depending on your needs. That might sound exaggerated, but they can literally do anything (so long as they have the skills) to complete any task for you.

Anyway, here are the typical chores that are outsourced to a VA.

  • General Administrative
  • Marketing
  • Accounting
  • Human Resource
  • Customer Support
  • IT Support

How Do I Choose a Good Virtual Assistant?

While it’s super easy to hire a virtual assistant, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to do it in a dash.

You’ll be working closely with them, so it’s only smart to put in an extra effort to find the right one.

So, how are you going to do it?

In 6 steps, you’ll be sure to work with a VA who can produce quality work and also one, whom you can have great conversations with.

  • Determine the tasks that you’re delegating to your Virtual Assistant
  • Create a clear and detailed job description that includes the task they’ll be working on, budget, working hours and so on.
  • Post a job ad in freelance marketplaces or reach out to a virtual assistant agency.
  • Do your research and check the credibility of your top candidates.
  • Screen your candidates by doing an online interview or a paid test to test their skills.

When Should I Hire a Virtual Assistant?

It’s obvious that a virtual assistant is advantageous to your business.

But who needs a virtual assistant?

  • When you only need contract workers to finish a project.

    It’s not practical to hire a full-time worker to work on a task that only needs few hours in a day to complete. Or a position that only needs to be filled out for a couple of months.

  • When you don’t have the expertise to complete a task.

    Be honest, there are some tasks in your daily operation that require specific skills such as bookkeeping or content creation.

    If you don’t have the knowledge to ensure the job is done right, you need to hire someone else who does.

  • When the repetitive tasks are consuming most of your time.

    If you’re wasting your most precious resource (time) doing the auxiliary activities, why not let a virtual assistant take over and free yourself from the burden?

  • When you’re losing clients.

    You’re missing opportunities because you can no longer accommodate the extra work. It’s the blaring signal that you need a VA to take charge of the little things on your behalf.

    We’ve established by now that virtual assistants are a godsend in opening up your time for more pressing business concerns, correct?

And the Bottom line is…

Why should you hire a virtual assistant?

Today’s extra competitive business world is pushing you to be more innovative in approaching your daily work.

Even the most adept entrepreneurs will have a hard time keeping up without a reliable team to back them up.

It’s no wonder many businesses, large or small, are taken with virtual assistants to save resources…and avail their fantastic benefits.

So, if you’re ready to take control, sign up for a virtual assistant!