What a Data Entry Virtual Assistant can do for you ?

Losing time doing low-value work? Venture with a  data entry Virtual Assistant now! From managing databases to formatting documents, they can do it fast and error-free.

Is data entry difficult? Not really, it’s actually quite simple but rather repetitive and tedious.

The job is pretty straightforward; gather and validate data, enter sales numbers into a spreadsheet and so forth.

However, as an owner, you should understand that there are more important functions for your time.

For this time-consuming role, we recommend working with an online assistant. Not just any online worker though, but a professional virtual assistant for data entry, so you could get on guiding your company to promised-land instead of transcribing words into a database.

Is hiring a virtual assistant for data entry the best thing ever for your information management? Well, scroll through and find out.

What is Data Entry?

Generally, data entry is the process of converting dataand compiling them into an electronic form.In a much simpler term, you can think of it as a secretarial job of managing information.

Even though this role seems like you’re just chilling at a desk, typing away and copy-pasting, believe it or not, it involves some skills to make it work.

What data entry virtual assistant skills are we talking about? If you want meaningful information, for starters, you need to be versed in data processing and different software.

Data entry might appear to be too menial but the data that are being utilized will be great points of reference for decision makings in marketing and finance.

That said, this is not a job that can just be overlooked.

What Is Data Entry in Virtual Assistance?

Is data entry part of a virtual assistant? Yes, it is. In fact, we have what we call virtual assistant jobs remote for data entry.

Okay, so, what’s the data entry virtual assistant job description? Avirtual assistant for data entry refers to a remote associate who gathers, compiles, validates and manages information on behalf of a company.

In practice, this job requires an eye for detail as the virtual assistant will have to sort the entries, check the accuracy, add some necessary points and even change data over time.

What Tasks Can a Data EntryVirtual Assistant Do for You?

Depending on what your company needs, by nature, virtual assistant jobs for data entry can handle a variety of work on your behalf, such as…
  • Entering Data - Gathering data and converting them into a digital format. Some of these online data entries include survey data and e-mail processing.
  • Formatting Information – Formatting documents and making sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes.
  • Transcribing Audio – In the more technical side of data entry, a virtual assistant transforms audio into a text document.
  • Managing Database – Controlling and storing the data from a database, making sure that they’re readily available and accessible anytime.
  • Converting Audio/Images – Collecting audio or image files and adapting them into a document format.
  • Creating Reports - Still, on the technical aspect, a virtual assistant for data entry will create graphs or charts from the collected data.

What Makes Working with a Virtual Assistant for Data Entry Advantageous?

On the surface, it might appear silly and a waste of money to hire a virtual assistant for data entry.

Surely, as a business owner, you can squeeze in that extra work and manage your data, right?

Of course, you can, but it wouldn’t be wise of you to do so.

You see, in this fast-facing world of e-commerce, losing time doing low-value work is like losing tons of money; forgoing opportunities and not delegating enough.

If you’re still unmoved by this sentiment, perhaps, your inhibitions will quickly evaporate once you read all the benefits of hiring a VA for data entry.

  • It saves time.

    Before, you can’t seem to find time to punch your data for the day, but now, with the assistance of a VA, you’ve been freed to relax for a bit and do other important stuff.

  • It saves money.

    Virtual assistants only work whenever you need them too, that’s by default. This means you only pay them for all the productive hours of managing your data. Plus, you don’t need to compensate them the same benefits as a traditional employee, meaning no leave pays or health care insurance.

    In addition, with their help, you could avoid errors that could somehow be costly to redo in the long run.

  • Work becomes more productive.

    What happens then if you have an overwhelming amount of information that needs to be processed?

    With a virtual assistant for data entry, that won’t be a problem.This go-to digital worker is quick and competent in making sure everything is precise and done within the timeline.

How to Hire Your First Virtual Assistant for Data Entry?

If you’re new to outsourcing, then starting your business with a VA can be really taxing. Where do even choose your candidates? And how to go about hiring them?

Don’t worry, we took the liberty of making sure that the onboarding process will be smooth sailing with these essential steps.

  • Make a Plan

    What data entry task do you need to accomplish? That’s just one of the many questions you need to consider when mapping out your onboarding plan.

    You need to be clear on what you want, putting effort into crafting a detailed job description.

    For instance, you can say you’re looking for a virtual assistant French. You just need to be clear on the responsibilities and skills required to best perform a specific task.

    Also, you can create training or work guidelines to prepare you and your newly outsourced hire for the work ahead.

  • Find Candidates

    Once you’re done with the first step, you’re now ready to look for prospects by posting online and accepting proposals.

    There are two ways you can go about this; go directly to virtual assistant freelance marketplaces or get in touch with remote worker agencies.

  • Sort Out Candidates

    With all these applications hitting your desk, you need to be efficient and filter them out, removing low-effort applicants. To do this, you have to focus on what you need; go back to your requirements and make sure they have what you require.

  • Interview and Review

    On your hand is an impressive profile, making you all too excited to commit. But no, before you start giving the green light, you need to make sure that a candidate is capable of doing the job.

    How to do this?

    Give them a test. Do an online interview and ask them questions directly pertaining to the actual job.

    For example, if you’re hiring a digital marketing assistant, you can ask questions regarding their knowledge of marketing tools.

    See how well they perform,and then you can make a decision.


When you delegate work to a member of the team, you’re a lot closer to framing success.

Shake off the pattern of what Chris Ducker calls the “Superhero Syndrome,” because you might be super competent, but one force can only do so much.

Besides, as an entrepreneur, there are other things you should be focusing on like directing your company for expansion, for instance.

So, for your data entry needs, it’s best to leave it to thereliablehands of a virtual assistant.
