Outsourcing Order-Taking Process: The Value to Your Business

Outsourcing Order-Taking Process: The Value to Your Business

What is your business goal again? Oh, to create raving fans that will not only buy what you’re selling but also spread the love for your products. You know, be your own willing brand ambassador.

One of the effective strategies that you can use to achieve just that is order-taking.

If you can work out this first point of contact with your customers, you can develop and encourage strong customer relationships from the moment they place the order, up till they receive the purchase.

Knowing how vital this is in taking your business to the next level, wouldn’t it be accurate to pay more attention to it? We say, make the move of outsourcing the order-taking process and let an expert take over.

Here, we’ll learn about outsourcing, and what outsourcing order-taking means for you and your business, going forward.


What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is a business strategy where you’re hiring a third party on a contract to perform a job function or handle a task for your company.

  • What Are the Three Types of Outsourcing?

    There are actually several types of outsourcing, but we’re only going to mention the top 3 which are…

    • Professional Outsourcing

      Through this type of outsourcing, an organization can avail a wide variety of specialized services such as digital marketing, accounting and purchasing.

      These tasks are typically the ones that require extra training to successfully perform or need to be handled by a professional.

      For instance, when it comes to hiring someone to handle the company's tax filing requirements, a company should hire a licensed accounting assistant.

    • Of all the types of outsourcing, this one is probably the most common practice for many companies. They would contact an outsider who specializes in a specific process in the business operation such as bookkeeping or email management, and hire them.

      The contracts for this arrangement include delivery time and product cost.

      • So, How Do You Outsource a Process?

        Well, we’ve made a series of steps that you can follow to effectively outsource a business process.

      • Create a checklist
      • Identify your objectives
      • Weigh in relevant providers
      • Review and compare the cost
      • Create a monitoring team
      • Establish Accountability
      • Monitor performance
      • Maintain Communication
      • Document
    • Project Outsourcing

      Whenever a company doesn’t have the skills, the manpower or the time to accomplish a project or projects, with a demanding deadline, their go-to move is to hire external providers to do it for them.

      Some of these projects that are outsourced are marketing, sales and production.

No matter the size of the company, everyone’s digging into outsourcing, whether professional, business process or project. Companies and entrepreneurs are doing it…why?

It works to boost productivity and efficiency…as simple as that.

Now, What Is Order Taking?

Order taking is how you think is it…taking orders and something in between.

It’s the process of recording and delivering orders, all to the fulfillment of the customer's purchase.

What Is Order Management Outsourcing?

Basically, order management outsourcing is the act of contracting a third party to deal with the process we just mentioned above.

They will use their expertise to take over the management and processing of orders and make sure they get to the customer, smoothly.

What it Means to Outsource Order-Taking Process

As we said, the order-taking process is the first direct contact a company will have with the customers, which sort of makes this entire step critical to the fulfillment of the customer lifecycle.

When you decide to outsource order-taking, you’re passing this phase of the operation to someone outside your organization…and that ensues anxiousness for some entrepreneurs who haven’t tried outsourcing before.

But, rest assured, when you delegate this task to a virtual assistant, you’re leaving it in the hands of a professional. They’ll add a personal touch to the order-taking service and be more efficient in handling it.

10 Advantages of Outsourcing Order-Taking Process

Do you know the best thing about outsourcing your order-taking process to an expert? You’re able to streamline your order-taking process.

And then, of course, savor all these benefits that we’ve listed below.

  • Round-the-Clock Order Processing

    When you’re outsourcing, you’re tapping into individuals and companies from across the globe with different time zones.

    So, even if you’re out in the office and sleeping in your bed, your contact services are still up and running, 24/7 all over the world. This means your clients can always reach out, anytime, anywhere.

  • Scale Up Quickly

    There will come a time when the demand is just too overwhelming. When this happens, you won’t have a choice but to seek additional help to process orders, as fast as you can possibly manage.

    To outsource the order-taking process means attending to the demands more quickly. You can tap into extra resources and scale up your order-taking process which will help you be more responsive to the market needs and then maintain that high-level customer service.

  • Cost-Effective

    Outsourcing is probably the most cost-effective solution to all your business operation troubles.

    Hiring a virtual assistant is super easy and fast. They require little to no training at all. You can hire and let them start right away — no need to fix the office space or prepare the equipment. They work from home and only get paid for every productive hour they render.

    Now, how’s that for super-efficient?

  • Time-Saving

    By virtue of outsourcing, you won’t ever have to worry about your order-taking process. You will throw the management duties to a virtual assistant… who can pretty much do a better job than you can.

    Finally, you’ll have more free time to concentrate on building your business to success!

  • Enhance Customer Satisfaction

    If you want to create loyal customers, then you’ve got to start providing excellent customer experience.

    Luckily, you can achieve that when you outsource your order-taking process. These professional remote workers are versed in the language of making your customers feel valued.

    Best believe they will provide the kind of service that meets “yours” and “your client’s” standards.

  • Expert Support

    Outsourcing allows you to access the best talents in the world (and at a cheaper price at that).

    If you pick them right, these trained offshore workers can turn those expectations into reality by providing you with the assistance you need.

    From handling client calls to managing orders…it’s on them.

  • More Time on Other Things

    It’s hard to find time to create marketing strategies or do something else when you’re juggling daily administrative tasks on a regular basis.

    Now, with an outsourcing partner taking over the order-taking process, you can finally have your mind all to getting more clients and growing your business.

  • Error-Free Order Processing

    Contrary to what you might think, the order-taking process is not easy. In fact, one single mistake can put your business in a tough situation.

    So, when you outsource this task to a reliable external provider, you can sleep at night knowing that orders are free of errors.

    These people have great organizational skills and are detail-oriented…with them, no detail is going to be left untouched.

  • Cross-selling and Upselling

    Order taking process opens up several opportunities such as cross-selling and upselling products and services. And if you must know, virtual assistants are knowledgeable when it comes to these tasks.

    They have persuasion magic that gets clients to buy additional goods (sometimes of higher value than the original purchase), thinking it's advantageous to them.

    So, you see, it’s like killing many birds in one stone. Your outsourced agent is serving customer satisfaction while also boosting sales and revenue.

  • Outsourcing top Talents

    You don’t have to settle anymore when you’re outsourcing. You can always get world-class talents to handle your order-taking process.

    What’s even better is that you can hire them at a much lower cost, which leaves you more resources to use in growing the business.

The Value of Outsourcing Order-Taking Process

And there you have it. All the benefits that you can enjoy outsourcing your order-taking process to a remote expert.

From cutting costs, saving time and error-free order processing to hitting your bottom line, outsourcing your day-to-day tasks is not such a bad idea. In fact, it’s going to be the best decision yet, that you’ll ever make.

So, if you want to grow, and grow your business, take our word for it and outsource your order-taking process today.