How Can a Virtual Assistant Help a Wedding Planner?

How can a virtual assistant help a wedding planner? Social media. Design. Website.  Admin. Together with a reliable VA, you can do so much with little investment.

Ah, weddings!

For the hopeless romantics, white veil occasions are fairytales coming to life; dressed in sparkly gowns, sleek Americana and profound wedding vows.

But hiding in the curtains, there are tons of moving components floating down the aisle; choices to be made and budgets to stick up — all that’ll surely leave any bride or groom stressed out.

Don’t get us wrong; weddings are beautiful and fun, but it’s also not as simple as we all thought it would be.

Thankfully, we have wedding planners keeping every couple’s dream event from turning into a pumpkin.

As wedding planners, they’ll take all the roles from the lead planner and marketing person to the bookkeeper. But even these professionals will have a hard time doing it all, employing a virtual assistant to deal with specific tasks is what separates efficient wedding organizers from the regular bunch.

Take note, when planning events, organization is key; saving time, money and sanity.

How can a virtual assistant help a wedding planner? We’ll break it down for you in three, two, one.

Wedding Planning Jitters: Is There a Need for Virtual Assistants?

The short answer: Yes!

If you want efficiency in every aspect of running your business, you need virtual assistants, especially when planning big events with a corresponding mountain of work.

Let’s say, you’re the owner of a wedding planning company. Basically, your job is to take the business forward and grow it into a force in the industry.

Unfortunately, your time only allows you little effort in marketing strategies and forging beneficial relationships. This is where a virtual assistant swoops in and saves the day like a heaven-sent guardian angel.

If there’s anything you don’t want to do or shouldn’t do, your VAs can take over — from transcribing videos, posting blogs and creating funnels

Their job is to make your life easier by freeing you from the repetitive tasks.

Which Business Needs Virtual Assistant?

These days, it seems like virtual assistants have become omnipresent in the business ecosystem.

All sorts of industries are embracing outsourcing remote helpers like crazy, and are reaping the bevy of its amazing benefits.

It is a growing trend, and that’s pretty evident in the following industries that commonly use the help of virtual employees.

  • Law Firms

    Legal work is tons of paperwork, regardless of the type of law they concentrate on. They still deal with research, legal writing, contract review, transcription and collection services.

    Thankfully, a virtual assistant can handle all these responsibilities like a pro and take some tasks off your plate.

  • IT

    IT is known to be one of the earliest industries to notice the extraordinary benefits of working with VAs.

    They’ve made use of virtual assistants to develop websites and provide customer technical support.

    And as you can see, many tech companies have been reaping the rewards.

  • Accounting and Bookkeeping

    Truth be told, wrangling payables and receivables on a daily basis will eventually take a toll on anyone.

    Luckily, the emergence of virtual assistants with skills and experience to match has allowed financial industries cost-effective support to lessen their accounting and bookkeeping burdens.

  • Marketing

    If you’re looking to stand out in the digital space and extend your reach, hiring a digital marketing VA is your best solution.

    They’ll prompt social media campaigns, conduct research and boost engagement. On top of that, these virtual assistants can provide valuable insights that you can use for effective business decisions.

  • Event Planning

    Alas, we get to event planning which is considered to be one of the toughest jobs in the world. That said, it is only fitting that this industry would turn to virtual assistant services for support.

    VAs in event planning will manage venues and guests, track budgets, coordinate schedules and so much more.

    With them working behind the scenes, they’ll make sure that no matter the event, be it a romantic proposal or a lavish wedding, you’ll get to turn your imagination into reality.

Wedding Planners Secret: Virtual Assistant

As your business grows, it’s smart and efficient to stop doing the lesser tasks by yourself. Instead, you may hire a virtual assistant to assist you with the mundane things that you honestly don’t have the time and the energy for.

How can a virtual assistant help a wedding planner?

Here are some common tasks wedding planners should outsource to a VA.

  • Social Media Posts

    We know; it’s hard to keep up with your many social media handles. It’s downright exhausting and eats a huge chunk of your time.

    The good news is, you don’t have to go around your Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter yourself.

    You can hire a virtual assistant to draft content, post articles and images, tag people and engage comments.

    Doing so, you’ll get to push your social media agenda without a sweat!

  • Design

    It might come as a surprise to you that many wedding planners use VAs for design services.

    From design trends to décor items, they outsource virtual assistants to help them conceptualize cohesive aesthetics to execute that dream wedding vision.

  • Website Work

    Fact: People don’t usually trust any company that does not have a website.

    It’s as if they’re telling you that if you don’t have anything to show for it, then it doesn’t exist; no sense of credibility or professionalism.

    So, if you don’t have the time nor the expertise to create and maintain a website, allow a virtual assistant to help you design, program and post content.

    By building and constantly updating your pages, you’re increasing traffic and conversion.

  • Admin Tasks

    Whatever you need — calendar management, data entry, travel arrangement, answering phone calls and making payments, a virtual assistant can make it happen for you.

    Yes, you’ll cheer with relief when you don’t have to spend hours screening messages on your computer or calling vendors for follow-ups.

  • Accounting

    Accounting is another time-consuming task that is best handed to a virtual assistant.

    Although tedious, the overall financial health of your business is important when planning and controlling processes within your company.

    To make sure your finances are on track, you can hire a virtual ally to update records, chase payment, manage receipts and work on your taxes and payroll.

    They’ll even help you understand the meaning of those financial figures, so you can make better financial decisions.

Why Should We Hire You as a Virtual Assistant

As the world transitions online, so do the opportunities for jobs.

Right now, virtual assistants are in high demand for entrepreneurs and business owners looking for a solution to relieve themselves from too much workload.

Why would they look elsewhere? VAs are fairly cheap to hire compared to full-time employees with flexible contracts and no extra compensation benefits.

But what makes a good remote worker?

Here are the qualities and skills that distinguish a great virtual assistant from a regular one.

  • Personality

    VAs who are polite and friendly are easier to work with. This is an important attribute especially when dealing with clients.

    A pleasant demeanor makes the entire collaboration flow with ease. If ever things go south, a virtual assistant can stay calm, collected and polite.

  • Communication Skills

    Communication is key to effective collaboration.

    Virtual assistants who can communicate effectively are more productive. They understand and respond faster to questions and situations, showing reliability and trustworthiness.

    This is highly critical, especially in a remote setting where you don’t personally see the person you’re working with.

  • Enjoys Learning

    The willingness to learn new things is a quality of a great virtual assistant.

    They don’t have to be skilled in everything. VAs just have to be eager to take on new challenges.

    That enthusiasm to acquire knowledge shows that they’re on a constant mission to hone their abilities.

  • Flexible

    Flexibility embraces the concept that you can quickly and easily adapt to changes. No matter when or where you perform any task, you can still be productive.

  • Reliability

    This explains that a virtual assistant can work independently and is up and ready whenever needed; meeting deadlines with high-quality results.

  • Competency

    For any project, having competency helps workers understand the requirements of their job and the steps they need to take to improve proficiency.

    Virtual assistants equipped with this quality are able to do any task effectively.

    In a way, competency doesn’t necessarily mean being the best. Rather it’s having sufficient skill, and knowledge to carry out a task assigned to them successfully.

Final Thoughts!

If you’re feeling like you’re no longer being productive because you’re constantly bogged down by secondary activities here and there, take the time and consider onboarding a virtual assistant.

Working alone can only do so little; collaborating with a virtual assistant though, in that, you can do so much.